Become an ISGH Member

Last updated: August 14th, 2022

Assalamu Alaykum

The Membership Committee at Masjid AlSalam ([email protected]) has been diligently working to not only make it easy for  you to become an ISGH member, but also to define some tangible benefits of that membership.

  • ISGH is your organization and needs your support as it continues to establish itself as a model community services oriented organization.  Becoming a member allows you to have a voice in shaping ISGH’s future and its direction.
  • Membership fees are minimal and serve to support the administrative costs for running the main office and its staff.
  • Having a strong membership roll allows ISGH to effectively advocate for the Muslim community in cases of governmental overreach and defend our rights.
  • Community Impact of ISGH as a result of member’s support:
    • Full Time Islamic Schools
    • Free Shifa Health Clinics
    • Funeral Services
    • ISGH Muslim Cemetery
    • Job Networking
    • Eligibility to Vote in ISGH Election
    • Member-only Access to the Portal
    • Nikkah Services
    • Financial Aid and Support
    • Communication about Citywide Programs & Events
  • There are also some monetary benefits of having an ISGH membership that includes:
    • reduced funeral expenses when a loved one passes away
    • discounts provided on fees for programs hosted at Masjid AlSalam, such as the Weekend Islamic School, summer camp, and other events that occur throughout the year
    • discounts arranged with several businesses.  Refer to THIS LIST for details of the available discounts.
    • estimates savings are up to $270 a year for a family of four!

Please join today!